Monday - Febuary 02, 2015
8 - 10 mph winds ladt night mostly from the East Temps down to 2. Worked on shoring up the base mainly on the left side.
Tuesday - Febuary 03, 2015
The Big Crash... More Later.
Saturday - Febuary 14, 2015
Light Show and fireworks. 174 cars showed up. It was -4 deg. with a 15 mph north wind.
Tuesday - Febuary 24, 2015
Was able to build only about 3 hours. Very eratic winds mostly North @ 8 - 15 Temp 2.
Saturday - Febuary 28, 2015
The” Grand Finale”. Light show and fireworks. About 22 deg. and SW @ 15.
Wednesday - March 04, 2015
Tuesday - January 19, 2016
West spray tower Maintenance.
Friday - January 29, 2016
I m able to rcover some of what I lost yesterday.
Tomorrow is not looking to be a good day. Weather wise!
Saturday - February 6, 2016
Removing buildup on front of entrance.
Seared with chainsaw and then split with ax.
Sunday - February 14, 2016
I set tier five today. It took a while as
the structure is slightly tilted to the West.
The images above spans over Seven years from 2007 to 2016 Mouse over image for more information.
I am currently seeking out opportunities to further my art-form
Over the years I have developed processes and hi-tech software to create these projects more elaborate every year.
Every project has had great success in spite of setbacks and failures due to weather and equipment.
I can work with your staff to design and create what sometimes seems to be the impossible.
“I refuse to be defeated”
Special Thanks!!!
I want to thank all who support and take time to appreciate these projects and the effort that goes into them. It is truly my pleasure meeting and talking to people that have a genuine appreciation for this art form.